Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Empty nest & the growing terror

I recently had knee surgery, and after Trever went back to work the pressure was too much for my poor knee to handle. So my awesome mom came down and helped me. 

Now our growing terror...... She has mastered the art of crawling and is getting quite fast, which is difficult to keep up with her when I have a limp. But thus far I faired quite well. She has also started venturing out & attempting to pull herself up on anything that will hold her. She turned 7 months old yesterday, and last night at bed time I put on a pair of her footed pajamas..... WAY too small. She woke up fitting in 9 month clothes and went to bed needing 12 months. So my mother and I ran to a few stores and re built her wardrobe with clothes that actually fit. I'm afraid my pocket book has taken quite the hit, but surgery is not for the weak. Lots of pain, and physical therapy for the hope of a better leg in the next 3-4 months. Hope it's all worth it in the end. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day 3

It is quite obvious which knee was attacked! Despite the swelling and lovely 'tan' lines, it is as to be expected. Still in a considerable amount of pain, but moving it more daily. I decided knee surgery is no fun.