Tuesday, September 30, 2014

And she's one

We had to celebrate a little late, but daddy was able to be there for the festivities. 20+ people crammed into our apartment on a rainy Saturday to celebrate this adorable little girl. Hard to believe it's been a year already. 
She's learning & growing so fast I can barely keep up. At her last checkup she was 31" tall and 23lbs. She's learning new words and sounds and mimics, (time to clean up the potty mouth) 
We are still working on our communication between the two of us, I swear this child is a bottomless pit, she could eat the entire kitchen and still be hungry. Poor girl gets too full and spits up a bit :( unfortunately tummy troubles run in the family. We are both still learning her limits and what on earth she is trying to say. 
One year in and she's happy & healthy, what else could we ask for?