Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Too smart for mom

Our little angel is quite the problem solver. I have tried my best to "trick" her. Ie giving her an old remote to play with instead if the ones we need to run the tv and radio. Much to my dismay she has pointed her remote at the tv and realized that nothing happens, then she's on the hunt for the real remotes. She has also grown to the perfect height to reach the table top, counter top and into the top drawers. She has also learned that the baby proof latches on the cabinets and drawers can be bypassed if she merely uses all her strength and breaks them. 😣 My drilling skills are getting quite awesome! I can replace a latch in mere minutes and very few "baby friendly curse words." But, I do have to admit I am running out of high hiding places. I have managed to move family portraits and clear the top of the computer desk, but after so long it appears I have "pile it disease." (Pile it here...... Pile it there...) hopefully she will start getting better with her words and we can put more emphasis on shapes, colors and letters 😄 But, for now, we will take each milestone in stride and learn how to overcome our little ones growing curiosity and height 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Have a little faith

Faith is defined as "complete trust or confidence in someone or something" 
I personally, put my faith in God, our Lord and Savior. 
Things have been tough in the Kynaston household. Unfortunately his current job is not cutting it. The hours are just not there. We are hoping and praying that a new job opportunity pans out. He is an amazing man and I have complete faith in the outcome.  But in the meantime, my poor fingernails may not survive (biting my nails :/) Chin up. 
I know that if we hand things over to God and have complete faith in the outcome, everything will work out. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Daddy fixes boo boos

Even when daddy is 1,000 miles away he can make baby Abagail happy. Last night she was running around and fell down and hit her head on the floor. She (of course) screamed bloody murder. I comforted her and loved on her, she calmed down a bit. So we called daddy, she saw his face and he talked to her and she was fine. (Although she looks a bit frightened in the above photo) daddy makes it all better. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

The mouse controversy

Our adorable daughter is unfortunately caught in a heated debate between parents. 
Her mother is all for the mouse! I want her to be fashionable, but why mess with the classics :) if it were up to me the house would be black & red and ears everywhere. But, unfortunately in any relationship there will be compramises. 
Her father on the other hand is more hip to the idea of "princess." That is a classic you say...... Up until a few years ago who lumped all the Disney princesses together? I completely agree the princesses have their charm & beauty, but who wants to raise a daughter who is called a princess and spoiled rotten, and self entitled?
I am reading entirely too much into this, I am fully aware :) and with my luck our daughter will grow up and hate both princesses and the mice :( 
She is healthy & happy and we should be happy for her. Time will tell what our adorable little girl will like. We have many years to love her & show her the millions of options she has :)