Monday, December 1, 2014

Electronic hog

Oh the phases they go through! She's been ahead on everything so far, and the "terrible two's" is no exception! She has become a bit spoiled, to no ones surprise I'm sure, if she doesn't get her way, and fast, we are privy to a blood curdling, ear drum popping screaming and crying episode. Consistency is key in raising a child, so unfortunately she does hear "No" from time to time much to her dismay. 
As easy as it would be to just hand over what she wants, I gotta be a good mom. Her current interests are my phone and tablet. Every time she hears her daddy's ringtone she gets all excited and jumps into my lap and looks for his face on my phone. And when we do FaceTime she wants to hold the phone, he can only see the top of her head, so I must help her and ensure the safety of my electronic device(s) she tries so hard to be in charge of electronics. Luckily Christmas is right around the corner and we have found a toy to apease her growing electronic needs and interests. Hopefully this will decrease the amount of meltdowns and ear trauma. One can hope 😊

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Too smart for mom

Our little angel is quite the problem solver. I have tried my best to "trick" her. Ie giving her an old remote to play with instead if the ones we need to run the tv and radio. Much to my dismay she has pointed her remote at the tv and realized that nothing happens, then she's on the hunt for the real remotes. She has also grown to the perfect height to reach the table top, counter top and into the top drawers. She has also learned that the baby proof latches on the cabinets and drawers can be bypassed if she merely uses all her strength and breaks them. 😣 My drilling skills are getting quite awesome! I can replace a latch in mere minutes and very few "baby friendly curse words." But, I do have to admit I am running out of high hiding places. I have managed to move family portraits and clear the top of the computer desk, but after so long it appears I have "pile it disease." (Pile it here...... Pile it there...) hopefully she will start getting better with her words and we can put more emphasis on shapes, colors and letters 😄 But, for now, we will take each milestone in stride and learn how to overcome our little ones growing curiosity and height 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Have a little faith

Faith is defined as "complete trust or confidence in someone or something" 
I personally, put my faith in God, our Lord and Savior. 
Things have been tough in the Kynaston household. Unfortunately his current job is not cutting it. The hours are just not there. We are hoping and praying that a new job opportunity pans out. He is an amazing man and I have complete faith in the outcome.  But in the meantime, my poor fingernails may not survive (biting my nails :/) Chin up. 
I know that if we hand things over to God and have complete faith in the outcome, everything will work out. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Daddy fixes boo boos

Even when daddy is 1,000 miles away he can make baby Abagail happy. Last night she was running around and fell down and hit her head on the floor. She (of course) screamed bloody murder. I comforted her and loved on her, she calmed down a bit. So we called daddy, she saw his face and he talked to her and she was fine. (Although she looks a bit frightened in the above photo) daddy makes it all better. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

The mouse controversy

Our adorable daughter is unfortunately caught in a heated debate between parents. 
Her mother is all for the mouse! I want her to be fashionable, but why mess with the classics :) if it were up to me the house would be black & red and ears everywhere. But, unfortunately in any relationship there will be compramises. 
Her father on the other hand is more hip to the idea of "princess." That is a classic you say...... Up until a few years ago who lumped all the Disney princesses together? I completely agree the princesses have their charm & beauty, but who wants to raise a daughter who is called a princess and spoiled rotten, and self entitled?
I am reading entirely too much into this, I am fully aware :) and with my luck our daughter will grow up and hate both princesses and the mice :( 
She is healthy & happy and we should be happy for her. Time will tell what our adorable little girl will like. We have many years to love her & show her the millions of options she has :) 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

And she's one

We had to celebrate a little late, but daddy was able to be there for the festivities. 20+ people crammed into our apartment on a rainy Saturday to celebrate this adorable little girl. Hard to believe it's been a year already. 
She's learning & growing so fast I can barely keep up. At her last checkup she was 31" tall and 23lbs. She's learning new words and sounds and mimics, (time to clean up the potty mouth) 
We are still working on our communication between the two of us, I swear this child is a bottomless pit, she could eat the entire kitchen and still be hungry. Poor girl gets too full and spits up a bit :( unfortunately tummy troubles run in the family. We are both still learning her limits and what on earth she is trying to say. 
One year in and she's happy & healthy, what else could we ask for?

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Suitors beware!

Our adorable little girl has this adorable yet frightening habit of snorting like a bull dog and making the face you see here. 
It just happens to be my luck that her father is a former Marine. I don't know what they give those guys...... But this little girl could be quite frightening! 
It has had me thinking.... that if any future potential suitors see this face I would hope they would be inclined to run in the other direction.... And any brave soul that passes the initial terror will then have to confront a similar look from her father 

I am in no way doubting the beauty of our daughter, she's going to be a heartbreaker. But, I do have to admit, any boy/young man that can get past these two and still have the nerve to ask her father for her hand in marriage..... That guy may just deserve an award! Or at least a batch of cookies

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Daddy Time

It always takes a few hours for Abagail to adjust to this guy. But once she does, the gloves are off. She giggles and smiles, and truly loves getting her daddy's attention. I have to say it is an amazing interaction to witness. Here is this 6' tall, tattooed scruffy faced man on the floor tickling this little 8 month old terror. 
Abagail is learning her noises. "Ma-ma-ma-ma" "Da-da-da-da" she hasn't quite put the person to the noise quite yet. It's an amazing thing to watch her learn & grow. She's already a handful, I definitely have my work cut out for me. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Empty nest & the growing terror

I recently had knee surgery, and after Trever went back to work the pressure was too much for my poor knee to handle. So my awesome mom came down and helped me. 

Now our growing terror...... She has mastered the art of crawling and is getting quite fast, which is difficult to keep up with her when I have a limp. But thus far I faired quite well. She has also started venturing out & attempting to pull herself up on anything that will hold her. She turned 7 months old yesterday, and last night at bed time I put on a pair of her footed pajamas..... WAY too small. She woke up fitting in 9 month clothes and went to bed needing 12 months. So my mother and I ran to a few stores and re built her wardrobe with clothes that actually fit. I'm afraid my pocket book has taken quite the hit, but surgery is not for the weak. Lots of pain, and physical therapy for the hope of a better leg in the next 3-4 months. Hope it's all worth it in the end. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day 3

It is quite obvious which knee was attacked! Despite the swelling and lovely 'tan' lines, it is as to be expected. Still in a considerable amount of pain, but moving it more daily. I decided knee surgery is no fun. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Knee news

The dreaded surgery is complete and the healing has begun. It has been a crazy 48 hours. Wednesday I spent all day cleaning like a mad woman so the house was not a disaster & I could focus on resting. I was at the hospital yesterday at 11:00 am and was taken to the OR at 12:41, and woke up at 2:37. I was given quite the concoction during and after surgery. I was given fluids & antibiotics during surgery. Afterwards I was given demoral to avoid being combative while waking up, then to get my pain under control received two doses of fentanyl, and a Percocet. Needless to say once I got home I was feelin A Ok! 
Today has been a little more rough. Had a follow up with the doctor at 9:20. I thought I was getting a brace, nope! Not for 2 weeks. Then I made the mistake of asking when I needed to start physical therapy..... He said "today" my jaw hit the floor!!!! So we immediately ran to therapy. It wasn't to terrible. They put me in an ice water compression stocking type thing and placed little pads that shot small volts of electricity to get my muscles awake and stronger. Then I also received a paper with 6 different exercises to do each day. *sigh* needless to say, it is now the end of the night, my knee looks like a iodine stained softball. But my pain is for the most part managed and I am optimistic of the outcome. All the doctors and therapists say, the first 3-5 days are the worst. I am already doing better than yesterday, so I'm on the right track. Just gotta follow doctors orders and rest with my ice and stop being so stubborn. (That will be the day.... Right?) 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

My little laundry tornado

This week I have been deep cleaning the house in preparation of my surgery. I don't want any temptation to clean, so that I can rest  like I'm supposed to. We shall see how my recovery goes. 
During this process Abagail decided to help me with laundry. She kept tipping over the basket. Finally got it all done, folded and ready to be put away..... And as I pick up the basket her little hand grabs the edge and all of it falls on the floor. 
So, after that fiasco you think I would have learned. But, I was folding my own laundry later on,  as she sat on the couch next to me, totally oblivious and folding away, I finish my to be folded pile and go to grab my folded pile.... and miss Abagail was so kind to unfold everything for me. From now on, I will fold out of reach of my little helper. 
Just so no one is concerned, all the clothes are now folded and put in their place :)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Our little menace

Abagail is quite mobile, still not crawling, but she does 'low crawl.' Lately her 'go to' place has been the computer desk. She has pre moistened a full box of envelopes and has opened and reviewed all of my notebooks. Unfortunately today she wrapped her body around the chair and down it came on her little head. Luckily the full weight of the chair did not hit her head, it fell at an angle. Thanking God for that one. She is no worse for the wear and doesn't even seem to mind when her bumps are touched. She will live to terrorize another day! We have officially marked off her first boo boo. I thought it was strange that there is no place to mark it down in her baby memory book.... You would think that would be pretty standard for small children. Maybe we as parents don't want to have a written record of our children's injuries.... Then there is me! This date will go down in history! 

Needless to say today has been eventful, and looking forward to tomorrow for another new adventure :)

Monday, March 17, 2014

Am I going to survive puberty???

Little miss Abagail is teething, coming down with a cold, or just being a needy 6 month old. For the past two days she has had to be in my lap, or me on the floor with her, or she screams bloody murder! And I'm not talkin' "oh I'm a little upset" crys I am talking "the neighbors are gonna call the cops for a noise complaint" 
So as I am comforting my small child, and watching my 100+ lb dog run laps in the apartment, keeping said child awake. I am thinking to myself....... If I am struggling with my budding drama queen at 6 months..... How on earth am I going to be able to handle a snotty 16yr old diva with her fancy phone and scary boyfriend?!?!? I think to myself..... My mom survived..... But look at her now, I drove my family crazy! (I love you mom) 
I barely survived puberty, my parents barely survived.... And my loving mother gave me the ultimate curse "I hope you have 10 just like you" with Abagail being only #2 and not 11, Trever and I are going to have our hands full. 
And no sir he is not going to be working out of town from age 12-20! 
If my mom could survive, I think I can. I do have 12ish years to prepare.
God help us all when our Diva reaches her full Diva potential!!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Our Oompa Loompa

We are going to have a lesson on beta-Carotene in this episode. 
It is a strongly red-orange colored pigment found in common vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, squash as well as carrots. 
Well, our beautiful daughter's favorite foods are as follows..... Sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, apples and peaches... So far. She dislikes peas and bananas and is very picky on if and when she eats green beans.  I am sure most of you are putting two and two together. I AM TURNING HER INTO AN OOMPA LOOMPA! Unintentionally I swear!! If you look closely at those adorable cheeks and button nose you will see the orange hue. I am doing my very best to try and diversify her foods, but darn it she's picky ( gets it from her father I'm sure). 
I noticed the severity of her poor orange skin when I changed her leggings, she's pretty orange! Poor child. Hopefully she won't remember our feeding fiasco at 6 months. 

This is us

I will start my first entry by introducing us, There is Trever, I am Molly, our daughter Abagail. 
As this is mainly for family, I will update funny stories, pictures and the daily hum drum of being a stay at home mom with a little one.